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Dental Insurance Information

As a courtesy service to our patients, Mission Valley Dental Clinic, will submit your insurance information to your insurance company for you.  However, we remind you, your insurance policy is an agreement between you, your employer and your insurance company.  Please keep in mind that you are responsible for your total obligation should your insurance benefits result in less coverage than anticipated.  Your policy may base its allowances on a fixed fee schedule, which may or may not coincide with our usual fees.  You should be aware that different insurance companies vary greatly in the types of coverage available. Also, some companies take care of claims promptly while others delay payment for several months.  Our office is not a Medicaid provider and not in-network with any insurance companies. 

Mission Valley Dental Clinic

Michael Ruhkala, D.D.S., Aimee Gustafson, D.D.S., Amber Dailey, D.D.S.

Patient Registration

​Save time on your first visit!  Download the new patient paperwork and bring it with you to your appointment.